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Our Mission

Our mission is to revitalize, empower, employ, and inspire community residents to build healthier lives and neighborhoods through education and community involvement.

The mission of Littlefield Community Association promotes social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, indigenious rights, and community access. Unique to Littlefield Community Association is an approach that combines advocacy, educational outreach, and strategies to achieve socio-economic change.

Our Vision

To be financially self-sustaining and leaders in neighborhood revitalization of homes, business, and community.

Our Strategy

The organization strives to implement programs that are structured to bring people into the mainstream of the American Socio-Economic Lifestyle by providing better educational opportunities, encouraging participation in all aspects of society, and offering a positive vision for the future.

Our Values


Littefield Community Association continuously strives to be leaders in the genesis of the City of Detroit and to be upright in all that we say and do.


LFCA believes in the importance of having strong moral principles and encourages our community to be honest and fair with one another.

Value Creation

Littlefield Community believes in creating opportunity and value in our community by strategizing and doing the work needed to execute our vision.

Community Involvement

Littlefield Community residents are our most valuable assets, which is why we encourage our community to get involved and utilize each other as resources.

Fairness for All

LFCA’s standards are to treat with respects all individuals with who we come into contact.


Littlefield’s History

Fifteen years ago, we (Carol Pickens, Sandra Pickens, Andrew Watts, and David Harris) founded the Littlefield Community Association (LCA), a nonprofit organization established to respond to the varied needs and concerns of our neighbors and local residents. Partnering with diverse leaders in business, politics and other civic-minded community members has solidified our status as a hub for progress through our community projects and capacity for fundraising. No challenge is too daunting for the LCA. 

Our inaugural project focused on revitalizing the fifty-year neighborhood Littlefield Playground – garnering a financial investment from the City of Detroit Parks and Recreation Department and Wayne County. Today, the playground provides a welcoming friendly, and safe atmosphere for children and families alike to enjoy the extensive walking and biking paths and state of the art basketball courts. Additionally, LCA’s collaboration with Greening of Detroit, City of Detroit, local residents, and other philanthropic organizations are addressing the harmful environmental impacts by planting hundreds of donated trees. 

Along with LCA’s proven strengths, is our passion for improving the lives of our youngest residents. We were awarded a half-million-dollar grant for the Safe Routes 2 School program through MDOT for Nobel Elementary Middle.  LCA’s interest to provide wrap-around services for these children includes our partnership with Brilliant Detroit, a nonprofit organization dedicated to building kid success families and neighborhoods where families with children 0-8 have what they need to be school-ready, healthy, and stable.  By bringing Brilliant Detroit The S.M.I.L.E. House, a place where you can Shake Hands, Make Friends, Inspire Change, Laugh Hard & Encourage Others to our community will prove to be another anchor towards sustainability for future generations.

LCA’s forward vision for a cleaner, safer, and thriving the community has included our annual free 3on3 Basketball Youth Clinic, Tournament, and Family Day attracted over 300 youth participants in conjunction with the National Basketball Retired Players Association Detroit Chapter. LCA’s comprehensive integrated approach collaborates with the community, coordinates with partners and coalesces around a central purpose for improving the overall health of our community.